mfad9mo ago

Need a vibe check on this SFC Tee

Basically I have been eying SFC for a while now. I think they have some great summer stuff, which is an area I struggle with. So I might eat it up and get some of their stuff although the shipping and duties are quite high. Anyway. I kinda like this shirt, especially becase it somewhat resembles the colors of the asexual pride flag (because im asexual). https://scottfrasercollection.com/products/blue-white-and-lilac-striped-net-knit-top At the other hand I always find purple a really hard color to wear. I suspect that this might be a case of "great in isolation, but not fitting in my wardrobe". Therefore I could use some second opinions on whether or not to get this item. Another thing to be concerned about is that the blue looks a lot less greyish in some of their product pics. Im not concerned with replicating the color palette 100%, but having the vibes present in some way would be important to me. (some recent fit pics below so you can decide if they fit my style or not)
Scott Fraser Collection
Blue, white and lilac striped net knit top
STOCK ITEM.  Texture is king here. Named aptly after the knotted net-like structure to the knit. When designing this piece we were channeling - 60's Italian island holiday in Capri, post-beach, sun-drenched aperitif on a veranda somewhere. Cool to wear, the knit lets the summer breeze pass through, whilst giving a mode
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11 Replies
YakkeksOP9mo ago
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Smiles9mo ago
Its a tee shirt you're over thinking this lol If you're asking can if it be worn with blue jeans it can its SFC so they are always just gonna style it with pleated pants, cause thats their vibe Like yes, its a loud shirt, but just wear it with neutrals
YakkeksOP9mo ago
Thats what I do best lol
ayoqna9mo ago
That knit top looks comfy asf, tho I do think it lacks a certain "yeehaw" that your outfits evoke. But I guess that can be used to subvert your style(?) idk what the fuck am I saying. If you love it go get it
Smiles9mo ago
It's not your style as shown here though, its a summery knit intended to give a beach vibe But I don't think its really a style, its just a knit tee shirt
YakkeksOP9mo ago
I think it would be a great shirts for the days when layering is not an option and im struggling in that department
ayoqna9mo ago
Well I do see it looking good tucked in with your flared jeans and western belt
sharloy9mo ago
I think you like it a lot and should buy it And you’ll figure out how to style it
YakkeksOP9mo ago
Yeah, I noticed my fits being a bit denim heavy rn so that was a concern
Smiles9mo ago
What char said you want this shirt just get the shirt and you'll figure it out
YakkeksOP9mo ago
Aye aye Will do

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