Show the confirmation model on the submit button of the model form
I want to show the confirmation model on the submit button of the model form
4 Replies
are you using a simple resource and would you like to add a confirmation before creating the record?
Actions\Action::make('submitjob')->label('Submit Job')
->modalHeading(('Submit Job'))
->modalSubheading(function (){...})
->modalFooter(function () use (){...}->modalButton(('Submit Job'))
->action(function (array $data) use ($job_details) : void {...}),
I did it using pages
Maybe you can achieve it using this way
and in v3
Leandro Ferreira (@leandrocfe) on X
💡 Filament Tip: If you want to enhance the Create Form by adding a confirmation modal before submission, use the following code snippet 👇

I want to add in v2