Bonus pass didn't refresh daily missions

I got the bonus pass and yesterday I finished all daily and weekly missions. At midnight UTC when everything in the game refreshed I was hoping to see new daily missions or am I missing something?
In Bonus Pass, missions are divided into daily and weekly missions, all refreshing at 00:00 (UTC+0), that is <t:1719187200:t> in your own time zone, @garuda. If you believe this is not the case, you may submit a report of this through with your numeric user identification, a proper title and description, and a video recording that can illustrate the issue you have encountered.
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5 Replies
garudaOP9mo ago
Update: it did refresh but only a couple hours after midnight
9mo ago
Hello @garuda, Is it fine now or you still need assistance?
garudaOP9mo ago
Hey @lvlyde thanks for reaching out. From what I understand, it's mentioned there that the bonus pass missions refresh at midnight but that's not really the case. It's usually a few hours after that, consistently every day since the bonus pass started
Quendi9mo ago
In Bonus Pass, missions are divided into daily and weekly missions, all refreshing at 00:00 (UTC+0), that is <t:1719187200:t> in your own time zone, @garuda. If you believe this is not the case, you may submit a report of this through with your numeric user identification, a proper title and description, and a video recording that can illustrate the issue you have encountered.
garudaOP9mo ago
That's what I said. I can confirm that every single day it only refreshes 2 hours past midnight. I'm not going to submit the video as in the past I've done it regarding other issues and nothing was ever done about it but thank you for the suggestion.

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