Image Loading forever

I feel like this issue is something I need to do in AWS but not sure what I am missing. I have a field for uploading an image (have added the code as an image). This field does upload an image to s3, I can see the file in s3. I have set this field to private, If visibility is set to public nothing gets uploaded. When I reload the page I then get an infinitely spinning loading on the image when I reload the form. How do I make it so I can actually see the image in the admin panel?
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I just figured this out. It was AWS error. I needed to add CORs policy to my bucket. Guess I needed to rubber duck my issue...
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2 Replies
awcodes2w ago
Any console errors?
Kymset2w ago
I just figured this out. It was AWS error. I needed to add CORs policy to my bucket. Guess I needed to rubber duck my issue