
Does anyone know the best way to do multi tenancy on Filament?
5 Replies
Sam Pizzo
Sam PizzoOP9mo ago
@awcodes but that doesn't support multiple databases, will filamenet upgrade their code to support multiple databases?
awcodes9mo ago
Not to my knowledge. But several people have had success with integrating https://tenancyforlaravel.com/ check the help threads.
Tenancy for Laravel
Automatic & flexible multi-tenancy package for Laravel.
Automatically turn any Laravel application multi-tenant — no code changes needed. stancl/tenancy automatically switches database connections and all other things in the background, letting you leverage standard Laravel code into a full SaaS application. Most features out of all multi-tenancy packages. Single & multi-database tenancy.
Sam Pizzo
Sam PizzoOP9mo ago
ya that's what we are gonna have to use. is there any high end filament developer who can build it to the actual filament code we can pay a premium rate to code for us urgently ?
awcodes9mo ago
Also, make sure you actually need tenancy before worrying about it. 😅 Possibly, maybe post in #💰┊job-ads It’s still just laravel under the hood.

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