physics graph

How do I find y intercept of the negative slope ? I got a diff value and my sir got a diff one and idk how he got it
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36 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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stormycloudOP9mo ago
Got it, also where is the velocity maximum ?
Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
displacement-time graph?
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Force displacement Never mind I did not find y intercept , pls explain if u know it
RisingPhoenix9mo ago
Bro, Y intercept differ line to line
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Ik, I asked for negative slope
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Deleted User9mo ago
@stormycloud is the negative slope-part of the graph passing thru 3,0? because its a little off in the graph....
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Deleted User9mo ago
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Deleted User9mo ago
btw from the given line eqn, its clear its not lying at 3,0 rather its lying at 3.34,0 ☠️
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Passing thru y,0 [ y is 10/3 after calculation ] Thankyou so much our sir did -150/2 = c / 10/3, is this because it is the same slope? Also this please
Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
Yup its the same thing! Your teacher equated the slope of the eqn (the y2-y1 part) to the slope you would get with the y and x intercept, so yeah its same c=250 Was it mentioned for rectilinear motion?
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Oh right right tysm, can’t believe I missed that point , ty again The question is what is the maximum velocity and at which time was it attained
Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
no probs! happy to help 😄
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Our sir told max velocity is at point y, but idk how
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Deleted User9mo ago
yes but is it for a straight travelling body?
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Yes, mass is 1.5kg
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Deleted User9mo ago
would also need the mass of the body right? im assuming say "m" right? oh cool let me write on paper and send
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Oh okkk ty again, I just need to know why is it at that point
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Deleted User9mo ago
at the x intercept right?
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
ok so let me provide a cool analysis for it.if you look at the graph of the negative linear portion, what does it remind you of? yes the graph of force vs x for SHM! so in SHM, if you have studied, the maximum velocity is at the mean position, which would be represented by the x intercept. another explanation would be mathmetical
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Sorry but idk what is shm T-T
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Deleted User9mo ago
ok no worries! let me send the mathmetical version....
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Thankyou so muchh
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Deleted User9mo ago
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TeXit9mo ago
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Deleted User9mo ago
hope it helps!
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Omg tysmmm , it makes sense nowww Also ik this is abt physics, but can u give me tips abt chem? These chem numericals are eating my brain , the calculations are so long and after I finish I figure out I missed something
Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
man even i got that pain 😭 i would say to practise, like there are no shortcuts for calculations unfortunately. you can ask @iTeachChem for wonderful tips!
stormycloudOP9mo ago
Ahh thankyou I understand 😭😭😭
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Deleted User9mo ago
you can add me in "doubt solved" section if the above solution trying to improve my doubts stats lol 😅
iTeachChem9mo ago
gotta get a good book, learn the process of solving questions. for instance, for all moleconcept and related stuff, need to know the basic definitions properly, you can solve any q under the sun. similarly for eq and electro etc, gotta figure out derivations and what makes them tick, where do assumptions fail, again very solvable questions from anywhere if one does this
stormycloudOP9mo ago
The thing is I understand the logics of the sum and stuff , but when I do it I calculate wrong or go wrong somehwre and it is worst when I can’t figure out where I went wrong, but yah ig only practising a lot can help me and my poor brain Ofcccc, I’ll do itt :] +solved @Deleted User @iTeachChem
iTeachChem Helper
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