I cant login to my account

Hello, i cant login to my account my only link in account its Twitter and its not working i urgently need to join my account because of tournament final 3k€ that i have today i missed games yesterday because of this issue i am very angry i want to join my acc as fast as its impossible, thanks and help me please PUBGG fix ittttt!
4 Replies
ŠG3w ago
I heard you can login thorough android phone
K93w ago
I have the same issue my account does work on android but on my iphone i cant login through twitter
" 🀄  ̗̀ • Masa "
@K9 Hi, L.€rror has stated earlier today that the issue with Twitters’s Login method has been Fixed Try again now. 🤞
Are you still facing this issue, @CadiX?