Trouble with tunnels

I set up a barebones tunnel based on the "get started" page in the docs ( I routed that through a domain on my account. All steps go fine until cloudflared tunnel run [name], which gives the following error:
2024/06/14 14:58:31 failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See for details.
2024-06-14T18:58:31Z ERR Failed to create new quic connection error="failed to dial to edge with quic: INTERNAL_ERROR (local): tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve" connIndex=0 event=0 ip=
2024/06/14 14:58:31 failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See for details.
2024-06-14T18:58:31Z ERR Failed to create new quic connection error="failed to dial to edge with quic: INTERNAL_ERROR (local): tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve" connIndex=0 event=0 ip=
This isn't in the troubleshooting section. I tried some different configurations, but I'm specifically interested in making a local webserver accessible via the public hostname. What should I do?
5 Replies
nickchomey9mo ago
I had something similar. I added a flag something like --protocol=http2 and it started working.
Erisa9mo ago
Where did you download cloudflared from? That error happens when the binary was built with the wrong Go libraries. You should be able to fallback to a legacy protocol with --protocol=http2 as mentioned which will work even with that broken
nathanielOP9mo ago
@Erisa on arch with pacman (via yay) i’ll try that tomorrow
Erisa9mo ago
Sounds like the aur repo maintainer built the binary using public Go versions instead of Cloudflare's fork of Go. I would download a binary from Cloudflare and try that
nathanielOP9mo ago
worked, thanks

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