Ios beta 3.3

When ios beta 3.3 available?
Hi, PUBG MOBILE's iOS BETA 3.3 may only be accessed by those who are selected.
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44 Replies
I also want to know
Zuelle3w ago
Hi, PUBG MOBILE's iOS BETA 3.3 may only be accessed by those who are selected.
@Zobel so how to be a selected one?
Zuelle3w ago
It is up to their discretion.
@Zobel Okay then how can i join to the official pubg mobile beta Discord :IlenaBlush:
Zuelle3w ago
You may join through this.
No description
@Zobel okay. Thank you :ChickenHug:
Zaykxton3w ago
@Anna_īī @Zobel I download the beta version But this thing is not showing for me instead it just giving me invitation again for the beta download link Check these
Zaykxton3w ago
No description
Zaykxton3w ago
1. Proof for I download the beta 2.
Zaykxton3w ago
Zaykxton3w ago
That beta server invitation just taking me to the beta download link which I already downloaded Response me ASAP @Zobel
delfin3w ago
You need to install the APK file on your device, @Zaykxton.
Zaykxton3w ago
I installed already @delfin🐬
Zaykxton3w ago
No description
Zaykxton3w ago
See there☝️
Zaykxton3w ago
No description
Zaykxton3w ago
@delfin🐬 @Zobel @ZILLA🐲DA☢DESTRUCTOR Give me response I found many bugs in betta but I need to join in the beta discord channel so atleast just give me the invite link in DM or send it here and delete it after I joined
delfin3w ago
If you have already installed it then I am guessing there are no issues. Beta Discord server is an invite only community therefore we cannot invite you. You can keep an eye on in-game events on the beta version for possible Discord server invitations, @Zaykxton.
Zaykxton3w ago
Bro then why u don't I don't understand there is issue where I can't get the invite link And I found 4 - 5 bugs in beta version i spent my time on it and even I showed u proof that u download and there is a problem in pubgm where I can't get the invite link then why can't u share me the invite link I won't give that invite link to any one u can just invite me and delete it from my dm It's that simple
delfin3w ago
This is not an issue, it is intentional. You will not find the beta Discord server invitation link on the global version. If there is an invitation event, it will be available in the beta version.
Zaykxton3w ago
But there is an issue in the beta invitation event too Then how u saying there is no issue 😑
Zaykxton3w ago
@delfin🐬 check the issue in beta invitation event
Zaykxton3w ago
It's taking me to the same download link which I already downloaded Then where is the beta discord channel link
delfin3w ago
This is not an issue.
Zaykxton3w ago
Ok then where is the beta discord channel link for me ?
delfin3w ago
If it is available, you will find it in the events section. If it is not available then you will not find it. Beta Discord server invite is not permanently displayed in the events section. It becomes available from time to time.
Zaykxton3w ago
Then make it available it's in bug ig Ok when it will be available again ? @delfin🐬
delfin3w ago
It will be available when if PUBG MOBILE needs more players to join the beta Discord server. I cannot provide you an exact date unfortunately.
@Zaykxton i joined just now :a_smart_kewl:
Zaykxton3w ago
Finally ok tell me a solution Read all the messages from above @Anna_īī u r the head for the beta so ig u understand the problem I ain't getting the beta dc server link from the beta event in both pubgm and beta version But I downloaded beta and found 4-5 bugs spent my time also the beta event is in bug ig so why I couldn't able to get the server link can u send me server link in dm
@Zaykxton that happened to me when i tried it using my android device. But i got the link when u tried using ios. Sry for broken English
Zaykxton3w ago
I understand ur English but that's now fair then what will android user do What android users need to do to get the server link
@Zaykxton android users can directly download the beta version but ios users can't. So i think that link for ios users.
Zaykxton3w ago
@Annaīī but still it works for android users I'm asking the best server link not the download link I'm telling that I download the beta then after when I try to get the beta server invitation link it just taking me to the apk download page again @Annaīī Yea I download the beta but yet i didn't get the beta discord server link it's in a bug so I'm asking to send me the server link in dm do u understand !!
@Zaykxton u want this one?
Zaykxton3w ago
Yea yea @Anna_īī
Zaykxton3w ago
What so u thought smtg else lol Anyways send me the link @Anna_īī
@Zaykxton dm
Zaykxton3w ago
Done @Annaīī sent u how to invite ppl with server link Check it out @Annaīī @delfin🐬 This is what I asked I downloaded beta and found 4-5 bugs spent my time also the beta event is in bug ig so why I couldn't able to get the server link can u send me server link in dm I want to make the game environment good so I want to join
delfin3w ago
You can refer to our previous responses.
Zaykxton3w ago