Deployment failed (Nuxt 3, SSR)

My Nuxt 3 project is failing to deploy after adding a bunch of new files. I think it has to do with the file size since I had this problem previously and reducing files helped. However I have now switched to the paid/pro plan for workers/pages and should be under the 10MB Gzipped. What it says after building: Σ Total size: 8.51 MB (2.27 MB gzip) It says this when running the deploy command: ✨ Compiled Worker successfully ✨ Uploading Worker bundle ✨ Uploading _routes.json ✨ Deployment complete! Take a peek over at However in dashboard I can see it failed. There are 4106 (total size on disk 72,6mb) files in the dist directory And there are 2376 (total size on disk 14.5mb which doesn't align with what the build command says?) files in the dist/_worker.js directory Is it possible this is caused due to upgrading my plan after the project already existed? Or is the build command output just incorrect about the size? If anybody needs additional information, please let me know and I'll provide it as soon as possible. Thanks everyone in advance!
9 Replies
Erisa9mo ago
What version of wrangler are you using?
LemmoTrestoOP9mo ago
Erisa9mo ago
Can you try updating it? One of the more recent versions fixed the bug where it wouldnt show the error message for direct upload deployments (and would instead show success) - so on a newer version it should at least tell you what the error is Checked and that was added in 3.57 But try latest
LemmoTrestoOP9mo ago
on latest version I get this: ✨ Compiled Worker successfully ✨ Uploading Worker bundle ✨ Uploading _routes.json 🌎 Deploying... ✘ [ERROR] Deployment failed! Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred. 🪵 Logs were written to "/Users/max/Library/Preferences/.wrangler/logs/wrangler-2024-06-14_09-36-09_514.log" --- 2024-06-14T09:37:23.650Z debug RESPONSE: omitted; set WRANGLER_LOG_SANITIZE=false to include sanitized data --- --- 2024-06-14T09:37:23.650Z debug -- END CF API RESPONSE --- --- 2024-06-14T09:37:23.651Z debug -- START CF API REQUEST: GET --- --- 2024-06-14T09:37:23.651Z debug HEADERS: omitted; set WRANGLER_LOG_SANITIZE=false to include sanitized data --- --- 2024-06-14T09:37:23.651Z debug INIT: omitted; set WRANGLER_LOG_SANITIZE=false to include sanitized data --- --- 2024-06-14T09:37:23.651Z debug -- END CF API REQUEST --- last few lines in that log file anybody has an idea?
Erisa9mo ago
Grr I see, let me escalate that then Escalated
Nolan9mo ago
Hey there! I think it might just be incorrect about the size? Walshy found this Received errors creating worker deployment: multipart: message too large on our end so it seems like the worker bundle is massive
LemmoTrestoOP9mo ago
thank you! that is weird but probably true as when looking at the file size myself they don't match with what the build command tells me either. might have to file an issue at nitro about this. thanks for the response!
Nolan9mo ago
No problem! Let us know if you run into any further issues!
몰라세스9mo ago
I build it with nuxt build --preset=cloudflare-pages and then upload it with wrangler deploy --minify. If necessary, it would be a good idea to use purgecss. Please note that this method requires creating a wrangler.toml file.

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