Define origins in access-control-allow-origin header for in-app notifications
We have a react frontend and we are using the Novu notification plugin and initializing using the url:
with applicationIdentifier
In the response header, we are getting access-control-allow-origin: *
. Is there a way we can update it to a specific set of origins in the Novu manage platform ?6 Replies
Hi @Prateek Sharma, I'm an AI assistant for Novu. While a team member reviews this question, I'll see if I can find relevant sources for your question.
While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful:
* Vue
* Object Storage (S3, Blob, GCS)
* How to Add Digest to In-App Notifications
* API Reference
Sorry, I wasn't able to find any information about your question. Please click on the "Ask for help" button to tag a team member to review your question.
Got it. Tagging @Support for additional help.
@Prateek Sharma
Would you like to share your usecase with this request?
Hello Pawan. We are currently getting VAPT done for our SOC2 certification. In the findings, we were shared a finding that the response header for access origin returns
on calling
from out frontend.
This is the remediation we were shared:
The cross-domain policy published in this application allows access from any i.e. it appears to be overly permissive.Review the domains that are allowed by the cross-domain policy and determine whether it is appropriate for the application to trust the domains and their contents
@Prateek Sharma
Thanks for sharing. Sharing with team to take a look 🙂
@Dima Grossman can you please take a look at this?
Hello @Pawan Jain @Dima Grossman . Is there any update on this ?
Thank you!
@Prateek Sharma
I shared your requirements with team
Currently we don't support this feature. We are working on notification center restructuring.
we have added this into our backlog and will take a look after initial launch after restructuring