Adding file to wordpress folder.
I did quick wordpress deploy that all went fine, page was up and running in notime but I faced on small challange.
Probably not possible but one plugin needs to upload this highcarts.js file to : Place the highcharts.js file in the following path /wp-content/plugins/highcharts-js/highcharts.js.
How could I upload the file to this location.
Solution:Jump to solution
all file uploads would need to be handled by the service the volume is attached to
9 Replies
Project ID:
all file uploads would need to be handled by the service the volume is attached to
meaning? If i have no local project
I used a tempalte to deploy the worpress project
meaning the service the volume is attached to would need to handle file uploads
Ok, and how to do that? Some tutorial?
it would not be railway specific, you would need to find some kind of plugin for wordpress
hmmm okidoky I think I found one THNX!!!
Upload can be done by using Advance File Manager plugin