Postgis is still down
I still can't access the data, this is a screen shot of railway dashboard with the message:
Required Variables
Ensure that the following variables are configured
Even though the variables are all there. I tried to restart the database and it didn't work.
PGHOST postgis.railway.internal
17 Replies
Project ID:
project id 3a9f8924-05c3-439a-9262-3a35e76d3070
the data tab needs to be able to access the database via the public network but you have those values populated with private networking values, that won't work.
Instead, deploy the dbgate template into your project and use it to manage your database as it's going to offer a far better experience than the data tab will
I didn’t change anything in my vars that’s my point about the issue.
The database has data that i need.
is the database crashed?
The nodejs app can’t connect to it.
I’m out of office and can’t check for a few hours.
okay let me know when you are back and we can pick this up
i changed the vars to railway public and set the public port, it worked in TablePlus client and was able to connect to the database. But the app and the data ui are not able to connect to the database. What might be the issue?
seems like the database is not working properly.
red does not mean error, please take into account the contents of the logs not the colour to determine if a log is an error or not.
there are many different reasons and I wouldn't have enough context to tell you what reason it is, but if it works in tableplus then there's absolutely nothing to worry about since tableplus would do a far better job than the data tab would
but my nodejs app can't connect to the database even though it's using the right env vars. thats my issue.
what error are you getting from the node app
status 500 and a custom message. Now tableplus can't connect to the database:
connection to server at "" (, port 56760 failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
i wanted to extract the data and import it in a new postgres db
theres nothing wrong with your database, something has just been misconfigured
i ran a new deployment of the same template and it's not working:
it was working before the down time that happend today. You can see here postgis is using private network by default
redeploying fixed the issue.
thanks a lot.