I want to increase all font's sizes

I'm new to Filament, I'm trying to increase all fonts because it looks small, I tried modifying tailwind.config.js but it not affecting
theme: {
extend: {
lineHeight: {
3: '1.2rem',
4: '1.6rem',
// etc
fontSize: {
xs: ['1.3rem', {lineHeight: '2.5rem'}],
sm: ['1.4rem', {lineHeight: '2.7rem'}],
base: ['1.6rem', {lineHeight: '2.8rem'}],
// etc
theme: {
extend: {
lineHeight: {
3: '1.2rem',
4: '1.6rem',
// etc
fontSize: {
xs: ['1.3rem', {lineHeight: '2.5rem'}],
sm: ['1.4rem', {lineHeight: '2.7rem'}],
base: ['1.6rem', {lineHeight: '2.8rem'}],
// etc
What I'm doing wrong here?
9 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4w ago
By the way: it’s probably easier to just adjust the font size on html element.
Osamz4w ago
but, If I want to edit whole texts size, will I add it on every html element? I didn't create a new theme, except it's required to change fonts size.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4w ago
There is only one html element in the Dom 😅 And yes you need to create a theme because otherwise your config isn’t applied to anything.
Osamz4w ago
but when I put font size in HTML tag, this will unify all fonts sizes, isn't? I don't want this, but I will try to make a new theme, I was searching for a shorter way to do this. Thank you. --- In new theme, will I edit the css of .sm .lg ...etc, right?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4w ago
Ah okay. Thought you wanted to increase overall. Then just do your approach and make sure you have a theme You can just go own using the Tailwind config. But you need a CSS file that get compiled with your new settings and register it with Filament
https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/themes#creating-a-custom-theme if you create a custom theme, you can edit the sizes
theme: {
fontSize: {
'xs': '0.75rem',
'sm': '1rem',
'base': '1.1rem'
theme: {
fontSize: {
'xs': '0.75rem',
'sm': '1rem',
'base': '1.1rem'
Osamz4w ago
Uh, thanks, now I understand that new theme cmd:
The command will create a CSS file and Tailwind Configuration file in the /resources/css/filament directory
Then, I put the my edits in this new tailwind config file, I did that, it works good, thanks for your patient, I didn't notice this line before in documentation, it's my bad.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4w ago
You're welcome. Glad you got it working
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