is there a filament-ish intuitive way to listen to paste events on text fields?

i have some dynamic section which generates text fields on the fly.. is there a way i can attach an 'on paste' event to each of them to constantly check if a list of urls was pasted there, and if so - separate those with commas?
->visible(function (callable $get) {
return (bool) $get('content_type_variation_id');
->schema(function (callable $get) {
$variationId = $get('content_type_variation_id');
if (! $variationId) {
return [];
$variation = ContentTypeVariation::with('fields')->find($variationId);
if (! $variation) {
return [];

return $variation->fields->map(function ($field) {
$fieldComponent = $field->type == '1'
? Forms\Components\TextInput::make("dynamic_fields.{$field->name}")->numeric()
: Forms\Components\TextInput::make("dynamic_fields.{$field->name}");
$fieldComponent->default(fn ($get) => $get('dynamic_fields')[$field->name] ?? null);
if ($field->description) {
return Forms\Components\Section::make($field->name)

return $fieldComponent;
->visible(function (callable $get) {
return (bool) $get('content_type_variation_id');
->schema(function (callable $get) {
$variationId = $get('content_type_variation_id');
if (! $variationId) {
return [];
$variation = ContentTypeVariation::with('fields')->find($variationId);
if (! $variation) {
return [];

return $variation->fields->map(function ($field) {
$fieldComponent = $field->type == '1'
? Forms\Components\TextInput::make("dynamic_fields.{$field->name}")->numeric()
: Forms\Components\TextInput::make("dynamic_fields.{$field->name}");
$fieldComponent->default(fn ($get) => $get('dynamic_fields')[$field->name] ?? null);
if ($field->description) {
return Forms\Components\Section::make($field->name)

return $fieldComponent;
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