Filament5w ago

Showing icons in Table Column Badge

Hey all,
Iam trying to accomplish this. As my types are stored in database and not as enum, how can I add icon within the badge that loads the icon from icon column in types table? Thanks!
7 Replies
Pscl5w ago
Yes, but state does not have the relation item. It has the full relation.
umardi_4w ago
how about use $record instead? not $state, get relationship manually, something like $record->types
->icons(fn(YourModel $record) => $record->types->pluck('name', 'icon'))
->icons(fn(YourModel $record) => $record->types->pluck('name', 'icon'))
Pscl4w ago
@Leandro Ferreira thanks. Did you test it? Somehow for me icons are not showing up.
are you using heroicons?
Pscl4w ago
worked! I had an issue. Thanks!
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