How many inches is high rise pants?
so what would the front rise and back rise be in inch be to be considered high rise for someone who wears a size 34 waist.
25 Replies
Your inseam is your inseam, rise is dependant of the front rise and back rise of the pants in question
which is how far the pants extend from the crotch upwards at the front and rear
front rise is what i mean soz
13"-14" is a good high rise. Anything more you're up into cigarette pant territory
ah ok is that the for front rise?
thx got them mixed up
surely that is entirely dependant on the cut of the pant
all good
I would say personally anything with a front rise around 12" and above is going to be a high rise for myself
True, but generally from the average size range of 30-36 a 14" rise is going to be a nice high rise.
That's not what you said though, you said anything above 13-14" is into cigarette pant territory
For example these have a 15.5" front rise and nothing about that says cigarette to me, which is what I meant when I said entirely dependant on the cut
@Zee The fatigues I'm wearing here have a 15" front rise and I'm also a 34" waist
The jeans here have a 12.6" front rise which seemed super high rise when I first got them and now I just think of them as normal
It depends on you body tbh. I've leaned 12-12.5 is plenty high for me. 13 is getting to high for me and look like those 15's above.
/not trying to body shame!
Also a good point, people will have different proportions on torso to leg lengths
so trying on some different rise pants at a store would be a good place to experiment
Like 15's on me would unironically be at my nips.
This is fucking outstanding though.
I think they sit about an inch above my belly button if I wear them as high as they can go
Was just taking some wayt pics and tucked my shirt for reference. These are 12's
Definitely good images to show because they look as high/a little higher than the fatigues I posted
they look great also
these seem as high as the 15 inch one from the other user thanks everyone
Went and measured and confirmed 12
Couldn't keep tape fully flat so they look more than 12
My 18” rise cigarette pants :justagirl:
Today's fit in 10.5's
I‘m the opposite. A 13 inch rise will land nicely below my belly button which makes getting high rise trousers very hard for me.
Damn that really sucks
wow 18" never knew they could go that high
this looks quite like a regular rise no? seems like your torso is half not 1/3
Yeah would say so