Filament10mo ago

Please help! What is the best way to use JS within Custom Pages?

Hello guys! I have switched from Laravel Nova to Filament and am wondering what options I have to add JS components to my custom page. I use the JS library “Uppy” to upload videos. With Command php artisan make:filament-page VideoUploader I now have a view file under: resources/views/filament/resources/video-resource/pages/video-uploader.blade.php Can I include dynamic JS components in this file? For example via Vue? I already work with vue in the user frontend, I only use filament for the admin dashboard. What is the best approach in your experience?
2 Replies
LeandroFerreira10mo ago
welcome! Pages are Livewire components. Livewire components integrate seamlessly with Alpine, which comes pre-installed with Livewire. I recommend using Alpine https://livewire.laravel.com/docs/alpine#using-alpine-inside-livewire
Alpine | Laravel
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
DanielOP10mo ago
Thank you! This was quite helpful.

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