Athletic/slimmer fitting t shirts

Hey everyone, I recently purchased a few shirts from house of blanks and wasn’t thrilled with the boxy fit. I have a decent amount of oversized tees already as well as some wider pants. So I’m looking for t shirt recommendations for more athletic or slim fitting shirts at a similar price point (30-50 dollars per shirt). Thanks!
6 Replies
I guess another few notes, interested in made in USA/Canada if possible. Also looking for 100% cotton as well
mattw2825w ago
Reigning Champ?
okaylama5w ago
check out velva sheen (usa) and homespun knitwear (canada) Also, depending on your typical size you can try sizing down if shirts from HoB are fitting oversized. If you know your preferred measurements for a slimmer shirt that can help you select items/sizes
Thank you both for the recommendations! I thought about this but I don’t love the feeling of the shirts and also felt that while it may be less boxy if I sized down, it would still be a boxy fit just more correct for my size
okaylama4w ago
Fair enough, you can also consider brands like lady white co (although pricy) on sale for their t shirts
Not sure about their how the cutting would fit, you'll have to check reviews or measurements, but 3sixteen might be a good option. Pima cotton T shirts, made in US/Canada and $44 a piece.