Failed to deploy because unable to download nix?
Just ran into this and not sure what's happening
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looks like they have added more builders, could you two confirm if kicking off another build encounters these issues again?
ctrl / cmd + k
-> deploy latest commit
...12 Replies
Project ID:
there are issues with the builder, the team is working on a fix
I just had the same problem!
looks like they have added more builders, could you two confirm if kicking off another build encounters these issues again?
ctrl / cmd + k
-> deploy latest commit
Brody where do we run that command
in the dashboard when you have a service open
the redeployment did not work
other users have reporting builds working, what issue do you face?
install phase
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c curl -fsSL | bash -s stable && printf '\neval "$(~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv init -)"' >> /root/.profile && . /root/.profile && rbenv install 3.2.2 && rbenv global 3.2.2 && gem install bundler:2.4.17" did not complete successfully: exit code: 56
im sorry but thats not a full error
but from whats there, it doesnt seem like an issue with railway, so plase open your own thread