Filament10mo ago

modifyQueryUsing breaks ToggleColumn

in the app/Filament/Resources/FormResource.php file i set up the table:
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->modifyQueryUsing(function (Builder $query) {
$query->when(! auth()->user()->isAdmin(), function ($query) {
$query->whereHas('users', function ($query) {
$query->where('users.id', auth()->id());
$query->orWhere('created_by_id', auth()->id());
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->modifyQueryUsing(function (Builder $query) {
$query->when(! auth()->user()->isAdmin(), function ($query) {
$query->whereHas('users', function ($query) {
$query->where('users.id', auth()->id());
$query->orWhere('created_by_id', auth()->id());
if the user is not admin, i want to show their created forms or the forms they are attached to. the issue is that when i modify the query, if the user is admin, works just fine, but if the user is not admin, if the user toggles the is_active column, it toggles the last row being shown in the table! https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/resources/listing-records#customizing-the-table-eloquent-query i think the issue is related to the or. why? because if i change the orWhere to a where, the toggle works fine, but then the query is not the query i want. im doing something wrong or it's actually a bug? update: i also tried it this way. this way makes the toggles to not change
->query(function (Builder $query) {
return static::getEloquentQuery()->when(! auth()->user()->isAdmin(), function ($query) {
$query->whereHas('users', function ($query) {
$query->where('users.id', auth()->id());
$query->orWhere('created_by_id', auth()->id());
->query(function (Builder $query) {
return static::getEloquentQuery()->when(! auth()->user()->isAdmin(), function ($query) {
$query->whereHas('users', function ($query) {
$query->where('users.id', auth()->id());
$query->orWhere('created_by_id', auth()->id());
36 Replies
ericmpOP9mo ago
bump please let me know how should i modify the question so anyone can answer it xd bump
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
To me it sounds like the id from users table overwrite the id of your resource and therefore it toggles the wrong one. Can you check the resulting SQL query via Debugbar or similar? Maybe a ->select('your_table.*') helps?
ericmpOP9mo ago
sure, 1sec
ericmpOP9mo ago
this is what i tried. i captured what queries are done when i toggle the field i did it on a record with id 15 but it updated it on the record with id 10 idk if u meant to check this
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Can you check the query that loads the table
ericmpOP9mo ago
there is a bunch, not sure if is this one
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ericmpOP9mo ago
select `bgforms`.`forms`.*, (select count(*) from `bgforms`.`responses` where `bgforms`.`forms`.`id` = `bgforms`.`responses`.`form_id` and `bgforms`.`responses`.`deleted_at` is null) as `responses_count`, (select count(*) from `bgforms`.`responses` where `bgforms`.`forms`.`id` = `bgforms`.`responses`.`form_id` and `responses`.`is_read` = 0 and `bgforms`.`responses`.`deleted_at` is null) as `unread_responses_count` from `bgforms`.`forms` where (exists (select * from `bgid`.`users` inner join `bgforms`.`form_user` on `bgid`.`users`.`id` = `bgforms`.`form_user`.`user_id` where `bgforms`.`forms`.`id` = `bgforms`.`form_user`.`form_id` and `users`.`id` = 5 and `bgid`.`users`.`deleted_at` is null) or `created_by_id` = 5) and `bgforms`.`forms`.`deleted_at` is null order by `created_at` desc limit 10 offset 0
select `bgforms`.`forms`.*, (select count(*) from `bgforms`.`responses` where `bgforms`.`forms`.`id` = `bgforms`.`responses`.`form_id` and `bgforms`.`responses`.`deleted_at` is null) as `responses_count`, (select count(*) from `bgforms`.`responses` where `bgforms`.`forms`.`id` = `bgforms`.`responses`.`form_id` and `responses`.`is_read` = 0 and `bgforms`.`responses`.`deleted_at` is null) as `unread_responses_count` from `bgforms`.`forms` where (exists (select * from `bgid`.`users` inner join `bgforms`.`form_user` on `bgid`.`users`.`id` = `bgforms`.`form_user`.`user_id` where `bgforms`.`forms`.`id` = `bgforms`.`form_user`.`form_id` and `users`.`id` = 5 and `bgid`.`users`.`deleted_at` is null) or `created_by_id` = 5) and `bgforms`.`forms`.`deleted_at` is null order by `created_at` desc limit 10 offset 0
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
I am not sure whether the columns from the subquery should leak to the main query, but it feels like they do. If you run that query from a DB-Tool is the form ID overwritten by the users.id?
ericmpOP9mo ago
it is not overwritten:
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Hm, weird.
ericmpOP9mo ago
what would u do now? idk what to debug more xD
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Turn on Xdebug to check why it's resolving a wrong ID 😅 Does it only happen on the column or also for the actions?
ericmpOP9mo ago
i think only on the toggle column uff, no clue how to do that, but i guess ill figure it out
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
But it feels weird to me if it's only the column 🤔
ericmpOP9mo ago
users use it everyday and they havent told me about issues with the row actions just the toggle
Tetracyclic9mo ago
You're about to unlock the secret weapon of fixing things quickly. What IDE are you using, and what development environment? (Sail/Herd/Valet/DDEV etc)
ericmpOP9mo ago
vscode + herd macos secret weapon lets go 😋
ericmpOP9mo ago
i meant, i heard about xdebug but idk why i thought it was not for vscode, like only for phpstorm (idk why xd)
Tetracyclic9mo ago
It's straightforward to set up, and once it is set up, it's so powerful for finding out what's actually happening in your application.
ericmpOP9mo ago
thanks 🙏 ill set it up and ill let u know what i find in the table 🔍 🔍 🔍 🔍
Tetracyclic9mo ago
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ericmpOP9mo ago
oh yeah i used that with java like years ago
Tetracyclic9mo ago
Click to the left of a line number to set a breakpoint, where the code will stop executing, then you can manually "step into", which will execute line by line going into any functions and diving deep into the framework, or "step over" which will jump to the next instruction at the same level you're already at.
ericmpOP9mo ago
yesss 🙏 @Tetracyclic i followed the steps. now im on the web.php route file & start the debugger but i get:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route" not found in /Users/eric/Documents/projects/bgforms/routes/web.php:17
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route" not found in /Users/eric/Documents/projects/bgforms/routes/web.php:17
not sure why, ill keep investigating. i had to install the vscode extension to debug aswell, not sure if it just will work or i have to configure it aswell
Tetracyclic9mo ago
ericmpOP9mo ago
ohh, why?
Tetracyclic9mo ago
Running it from within VSCode won't (without a lot of configuration) emulate the browser environment With one of those extensions you just browse to the page that will trigger your breakpoints and it will communicate with the IDE to start debugging.
ericmpOP9mo ago
then here i dont need a vscode file, no? or i need it anyways?
Tetracyclic9mo ago
You still need that configuration in VSCode, I believe. It tells VScode how to listen for the debug session
ericmpOP9mo ago
u sure is available for vscode? i installed it, enabled it and went to a test route that route has 2 breakpoints but does nothing, im missing something for sure
Tetracyclic9mo ago
I think in Xdebug Helper you'll need to configure the IDE key to be "VSCODE"
Tetracyclic9mo ago
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Tetracyclic9mo ago
(I'm only familiar with using it in PHPStorm, so I'm guessing a bit here) Oh, apparently that isn't needed:
Tetracyclic9mo ago
Tom McFarlin
Xdebug in Visual Studio Code | Tom McFarlin
Everything that needs to be done to install Xdebug with a Homebrew-based environment and to work with the software within Visual Studio Code.
ericmpOP9mo ago
i have no clue why my vscode button "create a launch.json file" doesnt do anything at all when clicked

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