Railway4mo ago

Missing GitHub Pushes After Branch Autoswitches Back To Main

Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but I'm seeing the following unexpected behavior: 1. service1 set up to deploy on push to main, things work fine 2. update service1's branch to branch1; push to branch1 deploy works fine 3. merge in branch1 to main via github; railway seems to automatically reset my branch for service1 to main 4. despite the settings showing the branch as main, subsequent pushes to main don't trigger deployments. I seem to have to manually unlink and relink the github branch for it to work again I'm not sure what exactly the best alternative is here, but it's quite confusing for the UI to show the branch connection reset to main while pushes to main don't trigger redeploys. I was noticing this in my "prod" services, and went ahead and made a minimal repro (in the projectID linked below)
4 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: e3d790a6-d32f-45b7-a40f-cb348a2dad85
sina4mo ago
Project ID where I did a minimal repro: e3d790a6-d32f-45b7-a40f-cb348a2dad85
Brody4mo ago
Duchess4mo ago
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This thread has been escalated to the Railway team.
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Hi, thank you for raising this issue. I've made a ticket for the problem and we will try to reproduce the scenario on our side. more soon and thank you
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