Greetings to the pabga team, the account was banned, he is 4 years old, I play for fun, not when I did not use no cfg, no cheats, there is nothing like that, and against it! I played as usual in pubg in metro and then I was banned for 10 years, please figure it out.
ID: 5778030893
Solution:Jump to solution
You can use the File Claim option when logging into the game if you would like to appeal your suspension.
4 Replies
You can use the File Claim option when logging into the game if you would like to appeal your suspension.
I applied for an appeal, but I was rejected, I honestly never played with cheats and I really feel sorry for the account. Please help me to understand this situation
But I honestly did not violate the rules of the pub, and I would like you to double-check since I want to stay in the game, and my account is like a life story.