Virtual Scroll Nuxt UI Table

Does anyone know how to do a virtual scroll with Nuxt UI table? I want to have a height of h-full from the parent container but then it overflows with too many elements. Using something like h-[500px] on the table works but it is not responsive. Anyone know of a solution? I've tried a bunch but can't seem to find a solution Some example code: booklist.vue
<div class="flex h-full w-full flex-col">
<BookOverviewTable class="grow" />
<div class="flex h-full w-full flex-col">
<BookOverviewTable class="grow" />
bookoverviewtable.vue (only important snippets)
class="h-auto w-full rounded-lg"
body: {
padding: '',
header: {
padding: 'sm:px-4 py-3',
wrapper: 'relative overflow-x-auto h-[500px] overflow-y-auto',
td: {
padding: 'py-1',
class="h-auto w-full rounded-lg"
body: {
padding: '',
header: {
padding: 'sm:px-4 py-3',
wrapper: 'relative overflow-x-auto h-[500px] overflow-y-auto',
td: {
padding: 'py-1',
No description
3 Replies
on bigger displays there is this chin because of fixed height

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