How do I make a single column table look good?

I have a list of services that I want to show but I can't think of a nice looking way to show it. Any ideas? I just want a pleasant looking way of showing this data. It doesn't have to be a table or even a vertical list. I am using a grid here. I added another column S.No cause I thought it would make it look good but I guess not.
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21 Replies
ghostmonkey10mo ago
what I would do here, is to break this up a lot. Very few people will take the time to read through a numbered list of 11 items, even if each one is only 1 word the other thing you want to incorporate is some sort of visual interest that helps guide the viewers eye through the data and since you are already using grid, you could also break these into individual 'cards' so for instance, you could take the top 3 services that you want people to see, and make each of them their own grid card that is pretty big, add an icon, short description of what the service provides, and then a link to more info and for the rest of the services, you could just have them with icons and separated into smaller groups or individual cards. Maybe if the user selects one, it can expand to be a big card there are a lot of options beyond that too. you could just do a carousel instead of a list, or ticker/slider style animation if you want to start getting really designy
ἔρως10mo ago
a card might look a lot better here
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
one card for each item? so like 11 cards? aaaand sold. I'll do that. I'll post the results after I'm done implementing it.
ἔρως10mo ago
yes, with images and shit so people have something to look at
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
This is what the final product looks like. Any thoughts? I'm not sure if I can make it look any better.
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nookayiseeOP10mo ago
Maybe decrease the contrast on the text. It looks a bit too bright.
ἔρως10mo ago
it looks a lot better than the list, doesn't it?
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
Also, thanks you 2 (: yep. it does
ἔρως10mo ago
i would try to add 1 more, because the bottom one looks lonely
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
lol. I'm actually using flex box for responsiveness so the cards are fluid. On bigger screens there are two cards in the last row and 1 on mobile.
ἔρως10mo ago
well, add one with ... something about personalized solutions or some bs like that
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
oh yea they are all BS anyway. generated using chatgpt.
ἔρως10mo ago
if you think it is necessary
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
just added a couple more
ἔρως10mo ago
nookayiseeOP10mo ago
thanks again
ἔρως10mo ago
you're welcome no need to waste creativity on bs garbo to fill space
Buggy Bug World
Buggy Bug World9mo ago
A carousel will be great.
vince9mo ago
Hopping onto this a bit late, but I kind of like it without the carousel. Carousel engagement rates are pretty low from what I've read, and I think having it listed out in 1 view makes it easier to skim and see what they offer. I would add a carousel for mobile though as I wouldn't want the user to scroll through 4 screens worth of cards
nookayiseeOP9mo ago
yea I don't like carousel for that very reason. even on mobile. but mobile designs are seldom intersting to begin with. They are all very monotonous.
Pxlskee9mo ago
It would be easier to read if you use the grid and place it in columns. Now every 'card' has different sizing and they are all aligned to the center. I would also increase the distance between the icon and the text + I feel like photo backgrounds are a little too much in this scenario.

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