Move Searchbar to Sidebar
Is it possible to add the searchbar on top of the Sidebar? The reason for this move is, that we add a notification tool inside the Topbar and on mobile there is not enough space for both, searchbar and notification badge.
4 Replies
you could be able to render the search component into the sidebar using the render hooks?
@toeknee Search Component? I didn't found anything inside the docs
not everything is in the docs, you should source dive
filament/packages/panels/src/Livewire/GlobalSearch.php at 3.x · fil...
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - filamentphp/filament
As per @krekas above, we can't physically put everything in the docs. It is also assumed developers using Filament are laravel developers familiar with views and laravel practices. This is one of those cases.