Installing Bazzite
Hi, I tried to install Bazzite, but it doesnt wanna boot.
Before this, i had dual boot Fedora KDE and Windows, both were om different disks.
So I wanted to replace Fedora KDE with Bazzite, I ran the installation with no problems, but right after finishing i noticed something was different.
It wanted to perform MOK managment or whatever. Ive never seen this so clicked the boot button.
That lead to Grub where was a Fedora Bazzite 2 times (one that seemed to do something and the other saying it doesnt exist)
The first Bazzite in Grub loaded the menu for password (that one thats used for disk encryption). When i put there the right password, it was just loading endlessly, so i switched to terminal output to see bunch of errors i dont understand.

47 Replies
I also noticed that in bios there is both fedora and bazzite - both do the same thing, my previous os is entierly gone

If you install Silverblue or Kinoite, does that work?
If it does, you can rebase to Bazzite and it will skip the install woes
Sometimes the installer can be finicky, but it's good to eliminate variables
didnt try that and have no way of doing it since i only have a bootable flash drive with bazzite installation
It's worth flashing either of them and trying the install there
That way you can see if it's an issue with the installer, Atomic Fedora as a whole, or Bazzite itself
okay, i hope windows manager will work or i am stuck definetly 🤣🤣
Well worst case scenario you can boot into a live USB environment from another distro and flash from there
It requires a second USB drive but they're dirt cheap
i have more of those, i just need an os to download an iso
windows seems to work
at least i can do that now
Good to hear at least
good thing i havent ditch it entierly
From the logs you provided it seems that the issue lies with luks encryption failing to boot the encrypted disk
Which could happen for a variety of reasons
yeah, but i have no idea why and how to fix it
Yeah that's why I suggest doing a fresh install with Kinoite and seeing if the same thing happens
It's easy to rebase to Bazzite if installing Kinoite works
downloading the iso... my internet isnt the best

Not the worst speeds I've seen lol
well the speed isnt the worst thing, its the reliability, it sometimes goes down for like up to a minute
which is really annoying mostly while gaming 😄
Ah fair, yeah I can imagine
so for gaming i use mobile data, but that has like a very limited speed 😄
Not ideal though 💀
could it be that something was wrong with the flashdrive it self when performing the installation? like the data there being corrupt or anything?
bcs i am using really bad flash drives that often just die 😄
also i used some application called Disks (which should be from gnome) to install the iso to the flash drive. In the past i only used rufus....
btw i hope i picked the right options 😄

That could definitely be a variable, but with install issues you usually won't be able to get past the installer at all
Options look good to me
It wouldn't hurt to try a different drive if this doesn't work
I am placing it on a different one
i mean, its the same looking one, but just brand new
ive collected a lot of free ones recently
Ah good, that's another potential variable eliminated then
does luks support all sorts of speacial characters?
bcs that also might be an issue maybe
kinoite works fine (other than windows vanished from grub, but thats okay)

It should
Also good to hear. Try rebasing now and see if that works
I assume encryption is working as well?
yeah yeah
i did the same thing, but i noticed one difference in the installer
when creating users, kinoite wants a root and normal user, but Bazzite is different here. but i guess that has nothing to do with luks
ill can try to boot to windows and download new bazzite iso with rufus, since i used some Disks app previously
Yeah that's irrelevant. You shouldn't have a root user for any Atomic distro
Not sure why Kinoite wanted it
Bazzite I think removes that functionality from the installer since it isn't recommended to run a root user at all
its still possible to do root stuff anyway, right? like installing packages, etc?
Of course, using
and sudo
It only restricts using the root account itself
It can cause issues if you leave the root account turned onokay
so am downloading bazzite iso again to try it with rufus this time
bcs i have no idea what else to try
(i mainly want bazzite bcs it has preinstalled nvidia drivers)
huh, didnt get this one with kinoite

If you rebase from Kinoite you will get Bazzite without needing to reinstall, NVIDIA drivers included
Rebasing is very powerful. It's like reinstalling your OS without losing your data
any tutorial on how to do that?
You want NVIDIA KDE right?
I guess?
Run this in the terminal:
Give it time to finish, and once it's done, reboot
You're now in Bazzite
ok, gotta do one more reinstall to make it without the root user
Yeah good call
thx for help
No problem. Let me know how it goes
ill probably let you know tommorow bcs am way too tired
need some sleep 😄
All good!
I just like hearing if people work out their tech issues :)
bad thing i have to wake up in 5 hours
how long should it take? there is no progress indicator so idk if its stuck or doing something
seems to be working, tysm

Solution: Install Fedora kinoite and rebase it to Bazzite
Glad you got it working!