Nuxt10mo ago

[SOLVED] NuxtUI Color Change

Hi, I've battling an issue for a while now regarding NuxtUI theme, simply trying to change the primary color from the standard green to a red one. I read the docs, telling me I'm able to change the ui in app.config.ts
// From docs
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
primary: 'green',
gray: 'cool'
// From docs
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
primary: 'green',
gray: 'cool'
I have done this but the color still won't change. I did also see a stackoverflow thread regarding a similar issue solved by adjusting the tailwind.config.ts with a custom color, but this didn't work either for me. Any pointers would be much appreciated. nuxt.config.ts:
// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
devtools: { enabled: true },
srcDir: 'src',
serverDir: 'server',
modules: ['@nuxt/ui'],
extends: ['@nuxt/ui-pro'],
css: ['~/assets/scss/main.scss'],
ui: {
icons: {
dynamic: true,
colorMode: {
preference: 'light',
// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
devtools: { enabled: true },
srcDir: 'src',
serverDir: 'server',
modules: ['@nuxt/ui'],
extends: ['@nuxt/ui-pro'],
css: ['~/assets/scss/main.scss'],
ui: {
icons: {
dynamic: true,
colorMode: {
preference: 'light',
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
primary: 'red',
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
primary: 'red',
1 Reply
RutbergOP10mo ago
Also did try to specifically add a color called red in tailwind.config.ts to see if that would help, which it did not.
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss';
import defaultTheme from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme';

export default <Partial<Config>>{
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
red: {
50: '#FFEBEE',
100: '#FFCDD2',
200: '#EF9A9A',
300: '#E57373',
400: '#EF5350',
500: '#F44336',
600: '#E53935',
700: '#D32F2F',
800: '#C62828',
900: '#B71C1C',
950: '#7F0000',
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss';
import defaultTheme from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme';

export default <Partial<Config>>{
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
red: {
50: '#FFEBEE',
100: '#FFCDD2',
200: '#EF9A9A',
300: '#E57373',
400: '#EF5350',
500: '#F44336',
600: '#E53935',
700: '#D32F2F',
800: '#C62828',
900: '#B71C1C',
950: '#7F0000',
UPDATE: Since I am using an src/ dir, I solved it by simply moving the app.config.ts file into the src/ directory.

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