Url don't connect
My api is having trouble connecting, my deployment was successful, but my api url is not connecting, it is showing the server error message.
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please provide more information
after make the redeploy is working now, but i don't know what was a reason for this bug
i dont have more info, because dont make a sense this error
without any information on the issue you faced I would not be able to come up with any potential reasons
but I have no information to share, the deploy was working normally, it was just not accessing the url
I'm sorry but I don't know what exactly that means
is show me this error in method GET
this is information, I'm unsure as to why you withheld this information?
now its like this
Sunday we are going to migrate our production back-end to the server, and we cannot simply be at the mercy of a problem like this occurring
We are only using the approval back-end at the moment, and some micro services
let's run through some questions so we can determine if this is an issue with your app, or a caveat of the platform
does this service have a volume attached to it?
basically, i'm using the nixpacks for make a deploy, and i use 2 replicas for this service
my custom build command: yarn build
my custom start command: sleep 3 && yarn prisma migrate deploy && yarn prisma generate && yarn start
region: US West Oregon, USA
I would greatly appreciate if you could answer the question
Providers: Node
I don't know what I should say to that
give an example, please
I'm sorry but I'm not sure where the confusion is coming from?
whats is a volume?
no, dont have
do you have a readiness style health check?
no, i don't make this config
please go ahead and add a readiness style health check
only in other microservices
like this
that would not be a readiness health check
do you can send me a example, for i use?
it would be of great help if you were able to familiarize yourself with the topics at hand
ok, i'll study it, txs