[AWS Data API] The result contains the unsupported data type CHAR.

I've got an issue with the AWS Data API returning an error when joining on a table when there are no related records in the joined table (I think). The attached bug report should be more helpful than that description! I've figured out that I can narrow down my SELECT fields and avoid the issue, and I realize this isn't really a drizzle issue so much as an AWS issue, but wondered if there was a workaround at the drizzle-orm level (or if you could help educate me).
6 Replies
adamdotdevOP10mo ago
Sorry, I should have explained the SELECT finding further: the issue only crops up when I include any of the ID fields in either of the joined tables (they're all the same datatype: CHAR(20)).
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman10mo ago
let us check this case cc @Dan Kochetov we would need your help as well @adamdotdev, would you like to have a private channel with us here on our Discord server? This way, we can help you faster
adamdotdevOP10mo ago
that would be amazing
Nick8mo ago
i think i am running into this same issue. getting The result contains the unsupported data type CHAR in some queries, was there an easy solution for this? EDIT: i just changed my char to a varchar instead for now. still curious if there is a way to have it work with char
⚡Z.E.U.S⚡7mo ago
@adamdotdev @Nick Hey! Are you still having this error in Drizzle Studio?
Nick7mo ago
i cannot remember how this issue came to be for me; however, updated drizzle-kit:0.24.1, looks like it might be running fine now. thank you!

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