How to Passing value for color in extraAttributes to them.css?

I want to Passing value for color in extraAttributes to them.css .cuze the color from database
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11 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2mo ago
The best way to output colors from the database is via inline styles you could add “style” as an extraattribute
Alnuaimi2mo ago
ok ,but I have class inside class ,so I want to change color for internal class
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2mo ago
use the style attribute to define a css variable and use the css variable inside the internal class
Alnuaimi2mo ago
I want to change Select not cell my cod is ->extraAttributes(fn($record) => [ 'style' =>"background-color:red" ])
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Alnuaimi2mo ago
I want do like this image
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Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2mo ago
define the css variable in the style attribute, then add a class to your theme css that targets the select box and applies the bg color from the css variable
Alnuaimi2mo ago
where define the css variable?plase
->extraAttributes(fn($record) => [ 'class' => match ($record->compliance_status) { 'Compliant' => 'class-Compliant', 'Not Applicable' => 'class-Not-Applicable', 'Not Compliant' => 'class-Not-Compliant', 'Partially Compliant' => 'class-Partially-Compliant', default => 'class-default', // Handle other cases if necessary }, 'style' => "color: " . $record->color . ";", // Add this line to set the color ])
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2mo ago
i dont have time to write out code for every single question, you should have a go yourself and post the solution for others
Alnuaimi2mo ago
Alnuaimi2mo ago
thanks alot brother ,I fixed after you help me thanks
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