Which Vans?

I’ve been wanting to get a new pair of Vans and have gotten to these final two pairs, they are also on sale. They are very different so it makes it difficult to choose, one is 80’s/90’s nostalgic whilst the other ja also vintage but has unique natural tones with an interesting texture (corduroy). Any suggestions?
67 Replies
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
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Yakkeks10mo ago
can you link the corduroy vans for science purposes? lol Personally I love the mustard cordoroys. a lot But thats also personal taste, because corduroy is love corduroy is life
Yakkeks10mo ago
Just a stupid joke Same thing as "asking for a friend" Thanks for the link. (Un)fortunately not available in my size 😄
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
What’s your opinion on them?
Yakkeks10mo ago
As I said, I think they are pretty cool. I think they can work quite well if you are an earth-tones guy though they feel a bit fall themed the other ones feels more neutral, but that also makes them less interesting to me
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I’m trying to be, these are my recent purchases from Uniqlo to try and get more earth tones in my collection
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echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I’m usually an ocean- tone person, mainly blues and and darker shades
zeometer10mo ago
of the two, the black and white but tbh i'm not a fan of either (personal preference)
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I also got this from Assembly Label recently that could be used for more earth tones, however they are a bit rigid and high waisted
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zeometer10mo ago
what sort of aesthetic are you aiming for? if your intention is "wear earth tones" that's fine but there's a number of ways to do just that, as seen in #waywt lately the two shirts and the pants feel workwear or gorp coded and if that's your intention i'd probably choose a chunkier sneaker
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
What’s gorp? I think I’m trying to go for workwear-lite, closer to a practical vintage aesthetic But I also want to embrace my love of 80’s/90’s fashion Which I haven’t really tried to emulate before
jfarrell46810mo ago
Those both feel a bit like bolder shoes that won't necessarily be extremely versatile. That's totally okay, but I would ask: which one do you LOVE? Buy that one, and we can help you make it work
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
The problem is that I really like both for different reasons The black&white reminds me of 80’s thrash/metal bands which I have always wanted to emulate Whilst the corduroy is unique and odd but also vintage
jfarrell46810mo ago
Get both lol Or flip a coin. I'm not sure this is a case where advice from other people is ultimately going to help that much
zeometer10mo ago
vintage in what way/what era?
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Like 70’s Jim Henson sorta vibes I’m just interested in any input on possible styles and such
carrion10mo ago
Inspo pics would go a long way here tbh, 70s-90s is a lot of fashion fwiw neither of these read as particularly vintage to me, at most they feel 2000s
zeometer10mo ago
gorp = good old raisins and peanuts, as explained here https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/hr0lba/a_guide_to_gorpcore/
From the malefashionadvice community on Reddit: A Guide To: Gorpcore
Explore this post and more from the malefashionadvice community
zeometer10mo ago
BUT that doesn't sound like the vibe you want to go for
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Yeah I’m not really going for gorp
zeometer10mo ago
i agree that inspo pics would help, as neither of these are really that basic of a shoe but they might not serve the purpose or the vibe that you want
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
The corduroy vans make me think of a lot of Muppet vibes, this is just a quick board of that aesthetic, no specific outfits https://pin.it/5uEdBPM6v
Muppet Vibes on Pinterest
Explore a hand-picked collection of Pins about Muppet Vibes on Pinterest.
zeometer10mo ago
that is fine - there's no rules to what inspires you or how you're inspired by it it's the application to your actual clothes that is the fun part, because you aren't living on a soundstage
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Of course
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Here’s a mood board for the thrash style for the other Vans https://pin.it/57AQUAM39
80’s Metal Vibes on Pinterest
Explore a hand-picked collection of Pins about 80’s Metal Vibes on Pinterest.
zeometer10mo ago
this totd somehow just became super relevant re muppets https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1239970483785695305
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I’m mainly looking for a shoe that’s lightweight and comfortable, maybe for gigs/clubs/pubs
zeometer10mo ago
do you already own shoes that would be sufficient?
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I have chuck 70 high tops They’ve been my off-work shoes for the past few years
zeometer10mo ago
depending on your wardrobe they might already be sufficient i think you might be circling around a bigger question - "i'm inspired by henson costume design, thrasher culture, and perhaps the 70s/80s at large but i don't think i own the right stuff, how can i bridge this gap?"
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Or maybe just get both for separate purposes
zeometer10mo ago
and if that's the case i'd dig more into the inspiration and your own clothes and then ask about how you bridge the two or get both! if you're willing to spend the money have at it
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
The corduroy is the most unique
zeometer10mo ago
unique is not always good
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
zeometer10mo ago
to clarify owning unique things in a vacuum is not bad; you can and should buy and wear what you like owning unique things because you're inspired by something is not bad; again, being inspired by stuff isn't a crime buying something that's unique and having to go through hoops or make additional purchases to justify wearing it though - i've done it often enough that i try to not do it now but this may be different, and you might get more value from actively buying one (or both) and seeing how you feel once you're in actual fits - if need be take a pic for ##styling-suggestions
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Yeah I need to do that more, just terrible at taking photos of myself
zeometer10mo ago
might help to do this-
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Yeah, you’re right
menace10mo ago
into both but i say consult your wardrobe and shoe closet. do you have more outfits that would work w bnw shoes or brown yellow shoes? if equal amounts see shoe closet do you have a lot of black or white shoes or do you have many colored shoes? if many colored buy bnw if many bnw buy colored
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Most of my shoes are black and/or white I’ve been looking to add more colour to my wardrobe
menace10mo ago
so most of yer clothes are of the grey scale colors?
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Black, blue, navy, grey, band tees, white tees, and some purple and green are most of my wardrobe Only recently started adding in actual colours
menace10mo ago
are you a winter?
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
A what?
menace10mo ago
would you described your skin either as tan or an olive color leaning more so greyish blue green than warm olive? the wardobe is giving winter color palette so the black and white shoes would be the easy choice the brown would be the fun pop of color unique choice since you already have a lot of black or white shoes then go for brown its the harder choice for styling conciously to match w yer outfit but gives you the option to have a pop of color for whenever like seasons or colors?
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
Both This is like most of my recent colour palette with a bit more blue and purple
menace10mo ago
also id say your a winter
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
What does that mean?
menace10mo ago
the black doesnt eat up yer features of skin color the bright colored turqoise beanie also makes you more lively even just means winter colors will be easier to style on you
menace10mo ago
heres a fancy schamny chart
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echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
It’s my favourite beanie for that reason, also really helpful for spotting me in a crowd
menace10mo ago
ik the x and y axis are korean but most of its english
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I can read some Korean but I have a terrible memory of vocabulary
menace10mo ago
so winters mostly usually suit the circles that are named vivid strong and deep and bc they suit such strong vivid colors, in terms of gray scale (most of the time) they suit blacks and whites too basically most circles witha letter d for dark is an available easy option of color for em
carrion10mo ago
let's not do skin color based color theory please.
menace10mo ago
has to do with skin but also its helpful in color palettes so whatever circle is nearby \
stmn10mo ago
Has nothing to do with skin. Is supremely unhelpful when picking vans
menace10mo ago
it can go with a color from another circle nearby like no skin just colors that chart helps still, in grey scale the colors on the brown vans are a mid and deep tone so it can easily go with colors from circles from the mid and below section of the chart for darker clothes itd be a color point while for mid tones itd be less bright (well obviouslt bc thats how colors work)
Anytime someone pulls out charts you can just go ahead and ignore their advice Anytime someone asks you to describe your skin color you can just go ahead and ignore their advice
jfarrell46810mo ago
If that's your usual vibe, get the black and white pair, unless you want to get the brown pair and change up your whole wardrobe. Which is a possibility, but it's a bigger project.
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
It’s surprising there aren’t many style photos of either of them, these are all I could find
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echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
I totally agree. I want to diversify my wardrobe a bit more so I have more flexibility of style, especially between seasons I mostly dress for winter which is contrary to the general hot and humid weather
zeometer10mo ago
if you've bought multiple things recently it might be worth taking a step back to see how diverse it is buy the brown shoes if you like them or buy the black shoes if you like them if you want to change your wardrobe or vibes or whatever it's better to solidify how to change before buying individual things and figuring out how to shove them together it sounds like you've got a good handle of that with the inspo albums and i would encourage actually wearing your new stuff and seeing how you feel before buying more things, but i am one person
carrion10mo ago
ill add that consistently posting fits in #waywt or #styling-suggestions is a great way to make very real progress towards whatever your goals might be. It seems like you have an idea of where you want to go, you really just gotta start putting that shit on.
echoecco.exeOP10mo ago
That is the battle. I have gotten more into fashion as I am currently finding it difficult to express myself, actually posting photos is the next big step for me And I thank you for giving your personal opinion, it’s helpful

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