14 Replies
@Vero 🐙
Please do not ping community members for non-moderation reasons. Doing so will not solve your issue faster and will make people less likely to want to help you.
Please describe your issue in more detail so someone can try to help you
When I want to register a domain on tebex it gives me error
make sure the record is unproxied, then it should work

I dont work
did you wait a moment after making the record unproxied before checking again?
4-5 hours
But is it normal for this to occur?
Make sure the domain is added as a custom domain on the Tebex side, and contact Tebex if you have further issues
It happens because Tebex use Cloudflare and they did not create a Custom Hostname for your domain to allow it to CNAME to their account. It has nothing to do with your account
@MihaiSpf were you able to solve it?