Strange timestamp side-effect introduced to TypeORM when initialized drizzle db client

Hi all, Recently I have migrated our db migration tool to use drizzle-kit and it's amazing. However, while working on the ORM migration from TypeORM to drizzle, I discovered a very strange side-effect that TypeORM timestampz column stops transforming date string to Date object after initialized drizzle db client in the codebase. For example, in TypeORM, createdAt used to return a Date object (2024-05-01T15:00:00.000Z when doing console log), but after initialized drizzle db client, it becomes the raw string stored in the DB '2024-05-01 15:00:00+00'. Unfortunately, this is blocking us for fully migrating to drizzle. Currently I still need TypeORM and drizzleORM to co-exist since my codebase is pretty large. I'm not sure whether this is a bug in drizzle-orm, so I haven't create any issue yet and currently trying to seek for help and workarounds. It would be really appreciated if someone can share some knowledge about this side-effect. Thanks
1 Reply
DaROP10mo ago
By the way, I'm using the following version: drizzle-orm: v0.30.10 typescript: 5.4.5 typeorm: 0.3.20 I found a workaround, which is to switch the db driver to postgres for drizzle, such it won't conflict with the one used by TypeORM (pg). Problems solved, tks

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