Filamentβ€’2mo ago

Section Heading-Background-Color

Hi - Is it possible to change the background-color of a section-heading? I already tried the extraAttributes-way to add the section-danger-class (like it was in V2), but to no avail. Thanks
yeah custom theme ```PHP Forms\Components\Section::make('Section') ->extraAttributes(['class' => 'nice'])...
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6 Replies
Tallyβ€’2mo ago
Do you want to style the whole section or only the heading? Using the
->extraAttributes(['style' => 'background-color: red'])
->extraAttributes(['style' => 'background-color: red'])
will style the whole section... you could use the extraAttributes to add a specific class and create a selector in your theme.css to target the header
Tallyβ€’2mo ago
No description
Husky110β€’2mo ago
Thank you! Did you use the custom-theme for the heading there or something else?
Tallyβ€’2mo ago
yeah custom theme
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'nice'])
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'nice'])
.nice { @apply bg-blue-500 }
.nice .fi-section-header { @apply bg-red-500 rounded-t-lg }
.nice .fi-section-header .fi-section-header-heading { @apply text-white }
.nice { @apply bg-blue-500 }
.nice .fi-section-header { @apply bg-red-500 rounded-t-lg }
.nice .fi-section-header .fi-section-header-heading { @apply text-white }
Husky110β€’2mo ago
Ah okay - Thank you! πŸ™‚
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