Filament2mo ago

export notification message doesn't change base on locale

As we can see from image, I have translation file in action/km/export but on the notification list, only english is displayed. This line "Your league export..." is exceptional cause I didn't create a translation text, but both "Export Completed & Download.xls" should translate.. I use km and zh_CN locale, in both locale this "Export Completed" and "Download" is not translated How to resolve this? version: v3.2.83
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Yes, sync is working, database always showing 'English'
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29 Replies
Vp2mo ago
Checking this more and more: 1. Notification list is displayed from database notifications table 2. While exporting, it doesn't check translation files and store english word only (Export completed, Download.**) 3. The body text (Your league ...) also not checking translation, it just store default english only.. I may be wrong also, but these are what I found
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
check the class ExportCompletion they are translated ->title(__('filament-actions::export.notifications.completed.title')) but it always store the current active locale
Vp2mo ago
For me always store "English" only, yeah title body download action were translated (based on code), but I got only English in DB
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
did you published the lang files? maybe they not updated?
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Vp2mo ago
No, not published.. and I don't have any missing translation for export for km
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
one thing that my QUEUE_CONNECTION is sync not sure if affect this, since in queue the default is en I think!
Vp2mo ago
Yes, sync is working, database always showing 'English'
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
ya thought so https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/notifications#localizing-notifications there is a chance to send PR new feature for filament to support something like: Notification::make()->locale('es')->send()
Vp2mo ago
I don't have any idea where to start for this new feature 🤣
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
then I suggest report it as a bug, maybe the team will do better than us 😅
Vp2mo ago
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
I'm facing same issue
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Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
I do publish the translation
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krekas4w ago
even if you have published languages it doesn't mean all values are translated
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
all values are translated
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Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
The db notification does not get translated according to the app locale. simple notification work fine
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krekas4w ago
there's no such language zh https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/tree/3.x/packages/actions/resources/lang it's either zh_CN or zh_TW
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
Yes, I just need "zh", not "zh_CN" for China, "zh_TW" for Taiwan, or "zh_SG" for Singapore. other translations are working fine according to zh
krekas4w ago
by default laravel fallbacks locale to english https://github.com/laravel/laravel/blob/11.x/config/app.php#L83 so it should be some translations missing or maybe the locale is set wrong
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
no, I double check the __('filament-actions::export.notifications.completed.title') working fine expect inside the db notification
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
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krekas4w ago
maybe some cache issue then?
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
I try to flush all the redis cache
Vp4w ago
This is the solution ATM @Umar Farooq You can read another solution here https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/issues/12974
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
HasLocalPreference is not working
* @return string|null
public function preferredLocale(): ?string
return \App::getLocale();
* @return string|null
public function preferredLocale(): ?string
return \App::getLocale();
Vp4w ago
Yeah I also have the same problem..
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
no solution? 🥲
Vp4w ago
Just use QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync 🤣 no solution atm
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4w ago
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