how to pass a variable to importer and use it inside getColumns
Hi, I would like to pass a variable to an importer and use it inside the importer's getColumns function
11 Replies
there is the
public static function getOptionsFormComponents(): array
return [
'd/m/Y H:i' => 'dd/mm/yyyy min:sec',
'd-m-Y H:i' => 'dd-mm-yyyy min:sec',
'Y/m/d H:i' => 'yyyy/mm/dd min:sec',
->default('d-m-Y H:i')
->label('Specificeer het datumformaat dat in je CSV wordt gebruikt.'),
I have only used it in the resolveRecord function using $this->options so I cant say if it is also available in the getColumns function!
This function generates a form field on the mapping dialog so the user can specifiy the variable
->options(['foo'=>'pluto']) I also used it inside resolveRecord.. but I need it inside getColumns
can you please explain the use case of what you're trying to achieve?
I created the ManageContacts subpage and added the action
each survey has translations of the field labels,
and I have to put getColumns inside
$trans = $survey?->getTrans() ?? []; -------------------------------------------------------- $k='attribute'.$i; $columns[]=ImportColumn::make($k) ->label($trans[$k] ?? $k) ->ignoreBlankState(); I think there is a better way to go and get "records" than $survey_id=Str::of(url()->previous()) ->between('/surveys/','/contacts') ->toString();
$trans = $survey?->getTrans() ?? []; -------------------------------------------------------- $k='attribute'.$i; $columns[]=ImportColumn::make($k) ->label($trans[$k] ?? $k) ->ignoreBlankState(); I think there is a better way to go and get "records" than $survey_id=Str::of(url()->previous()) ->between('/surveys/','/contacts') ->toString();
unfortunately imports werent really made to be dynamic like this, so you're best off defining your own action that looks identical to filament's and processing them in your own job
maybe a small change to importAction to pass by
its not that simple unfortunately
there are many places where import methods need to be called from and anything you pass in would then need to be serialised into jobs etc
this use case just isnt what the system was designed for, it was designed for the 99% use case where your columns correspond to columns in the database
yes and I fell into that 1%
yeah, that is unfortunate, but your use case is very specific here and is achievable with your own action
thank you very much, in the meantime I use that workaround that takes the data from the url
you can copy parts of our action and customize them :)