need help from officials !!

I want any official to check that if any device other than mine has logged into my account in the recent days because i am getting an unusual login alert on my account but no device is showing up in settings , only the alert pops up,please reply to this post .
Please contact the customer service for further assistance, @heyhasnu. Refer to subpoint 5.4 in #faq for further information.
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8 Replies
INFINITE (OFFLINE till 1 june)
you can see who has logged in on your device in settings.
heyhasnuOP10mo ago
It doesnt show any device that has logged in as mentioned , but the alert pops up , idk if its recognizing my own device as unusual or what .
INFINITE (OFFLINE till 1 june)
which login method are you using? and are you sure nothing has been changed in your account or no one else is logging in ?
heyhasnuOP10mo ago
That has not happened before as my account is totally secured and is linked to email and apple id and my number , still the alert pops up , i mostly use apple and email to login And also i login my account on my android device as well sometimes in a week
INFINITE (OFFLINE till 1 june)
you login it for ?
heyhasnuOP10mo ago
To give it to my brother to complete rp missions
INFINITE (OFFLINE till 1 june)
if u dont play on it then most likely thats the reason. ( only if there is no unusual login in your account) explains it you will receive the notification once you login into another phone and then login back on a second phone
Dyno10mo ago
Please contact the customer service for further assistance, @heyhasnu. Refer to subpoint 5.4 in #faq for further information.

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