Custom TextInput with suffix actions

Hello, I am creating a Timesheet App, and I want to create a custom page for the Timesheet resource, that shows the time entries (timebills) in a weekly view. My goal is to have to have TextInput with suffix actions (edit/delete/approve) for each Timebill, and if the user edits the hours, it should update the corresponding Timebill record. Here is the code for timecell.blade.php, that I am putting in the table. I have tried using the x-filament::input.wrapper, but I am stuck.
@props(['rowIndex', 'colDate', 'timebills'])
<ul class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-1">
@foreach($timebills as $t)
<li wire:key="timeli{{$t['id']}}" class="relative inline-block col-span-1">

<x-filament::input type="text" wire:key="timein{{$t['id']}}" value="{{ $t['hours'] }}" />

<?php /*
<x-filament::button size="xs" wire:key="timebt{{$t['id']}}" wire:click="editTimebill({{ $t['id'] }})" outlined>
{{ $t['hours'] }}
{{ $this->timebillActions($t['id']) }}
*/ ?>
@props(['rowIndex', 'colDate', 'timebills'])
<ul class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-1">
@foreach($timebills as $t)
<li wire:key="timeli{{$t['id']}}" class="relative inline-block col-span-1">

<x-filament::input type="text" wire:key="timein{{$t['id']}}" value="{{ $t['hours'] }}" />

<?php /*
<x-filament::button size="xs" wire:key="timebt{{$t['id']}}" wire:click="editTimebill({{ $t['id'] }})" outlined>
{{ $t['hours'] }}
{{ $this->timebillActions($t['id']) }}
*/ ?>
Any guidelines and/or examples would be greatly appreciated.
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