I need to know PostgreSQL Railway template pg_dump version
I followed the steps outlined here to get a periodic DB dump.
This is all working fine but when I tried to use the
from my Mac, I got the following error.
pg_restore: error: unsupported version (1.15) in file header
I did a pg_restore --version
and I have this
pg_restore (PostgreSQL) 15.7 (Homebrew)
I thought since they seem to be both 15
, it should work but as you can see it doesn't. What is the exactly pg_dump
version that was used in that Railway template
I used? How do you find this information out?Railway Blog
Automated PostgreSQL Backups
A step-by-step guide on automatic PostgreSQL backups on Railway using a one-click template.
Solution:Jump to solution
it uses pg_dump 16
7 Replies
Project ID:
Ah ok. The actual
Postgres DB
when I run SELECT version();
So in this case
- pg_dump 16
was used to dump PostgreSQL 15
- I need to use pg_restore 16
to restore the dumped PostgreSQL 15
Do I understand this correctly?correct
Thank you it's working now.
no problem!