Why am I not receiving my password reset Cloudflare email?

I've been trying to log into my account for two days. I can log into my account from my work's computer (I had my password auto-saved) but can't seem to log in from home. I saw yesterday my saved password and literally introduced the same one but still does not work at all. Cloudflare flags me as 'Invalid email/password', or sometimes I even get the 'Wrong captcha' that literally autocompletes by itself. I've tried to send a POST request to reset my password with my e-mail, but I'm not receiving the e-mail at all? It's been a few hours, have been trying a few times with a short lapsus inbetween. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I looked up in the forums and someone said that at any point, you could've checked the option of not receiving e-mails from Cloudflare whatsoever, but then, why would I receive e-mails telling me that I purchased a domain but not my password reset e-mail? Anyway, the question is as silly as I am, but I can't seem to get a solution onto something as easy as logging into my account.
5 Replies
Erisa10mo ago
Can you DM me your email address so I can check?
SandraOP10mo ago
Of course! Doesn’t let me dm you
Erisa10mo ago
My DMs are open, can you make sure yours are for this server
SandraOP10mo ago
Alright, I apologize, it was my fault. Already dmed. Thank you!
Erisa10mo ago
Resolved in DMs

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