When selecting filters in a list of records, the widget does not update

I have an invoice resource and I have added a widget to it to calculate the total of invoices. The widget needs to update according to the filters applied. I have tried this solution: https://filamentphp.com/community/how-to-refresh-widgets-when-table-actions-are-fired, but it still doesn't work. Widget totals not updating. Filament 2 version.
1 Reply
astronomicOP8mo ago
class InvoicesTotalization extends BaseWidget { protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.invoice-resource.widgets.invoices-totalization'; protected static ?string $pollingInterval = null; protected $listeners = ['updateInvoicesTotalization' => '$refresh']; public $tableFilters; protected $queryString = ['tableFilters']; protected function getCards(): array { $data = []; $query = Invoice::query(); if ($this->tableFilters && isset($this->tableFilters['status'])) { $query->where('status', $this->tableFilters['status']['value']); } if ($this->tableFilters && isset($this->tableFilters['street'])) { $query->whereHas('Client', function($q){ $q->where('street', 'LIKE', '%'.$this->tableFilters['street']['street'].'%'); }); } if ($this->tableFilters && isset($this->tableFilters['number'])) { $query->whereHas('Client', function($q){ $q->where('address_number', $this->tableFilters['number']['number']); }); } if ($this->tableFilters && isset($this->tableFilters['invoice_date'])) { $query->whereBetween('invoice_date', [$this->tableFilters['invoice_date']['start_date'], $this->tableFilters['invoice_date']['end_date']]); } $data['subtotal'] = $query->sum('subtotal'); $data['iva'] = $query->sum('iva'); $data['total'] = $query->sum('total'); return [ Card::make('SUBTOTAL: ', number_format($data['subtotal'], 2, ',', '.')), Card::make('IVA: ', number_format($data['iva'], 2, ',', '.')), Card::make('TOTAL: ', number_format($data['total'], 2, ',', '.')), ]; } } In ListInvoice, i have this: public function updated($name) { if (Str::of($name)->contains(['tableFilters'])) { $this->emit('updateInvoicesTotalization'); } } anyone?

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