Where is the error her?

Tables\Actions\Action::make('roles') ->label(('Import')) ->requiresConfirmation() ->icon('heroicon-o-check-badge') // Form structure for the action. ->form([ // Select field to choose roles. Forms\Components\Select::make('roles') ->required() ->relationship(('Owner'), 'name') ->preload() ->live() ->afterStateUpdated(fn(Set $set, ?string $state) => $set('name', Str::slug($state))), // Hidden field to store the 'name'. Forms\Components\Hidden::make('name') ])
3 Replies
awcodes2mo ago
I would start with why you are using a translatable string for the relationship.
Alnuaimi2mo ago
The same Pro
No description
No description
awcodes2mo ago
Use the share link on the error page and provide it here.