Testting anonymous actions

I have an infolist (ViewProject.php) for my ProjectResource. This just displays a number of sections and groups. Of of those sections contains a number of anonymous actions, like:
->label('Docent uitnodigen')
->disabled(function ($record) {
return !isset($record->teacher);
->action(function ($record) {
$from = Filament::getTenant();
SendTeacherInviteEmail::dispatch($record, $from);
->title('Uitnodiging verzonden!')
->label('Docent uitnodigen')
->disabled(function ($record) {
return !isset($record->teacher);
->action(function ($record) {
$from = Filament::getTenant();
SendTeacherInviteEmail::dispatch($record, $from);
->title('Uitnodiging verzonden!')
The action itself works just fine, i just have no idea how to reach this action in a (pest) test. Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me how i can refactor if i need to rewrite my actions.
1 Reply
Tally9mo ago
Maybe you can create another action class for your logic so you can test it seperately. So for example a SendTeacherInvitationAction class (I use the Laravel Actions a lot, but a simple class will do as well https://www.laravelactions.com/)

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