Filament10mo ago

Not sure what did I do wrong here

So I am using spatie media library for file upload and things are working as expected however when i am trying to test (pest) i am getting an error which I am a bit confused of
->extraImgAttributes(['loading' => 'lazy'])
->extraImgAttributes(['loading' => 'lazy'])
now inside my test
beforeEach(function () {

$this->author = Author::factory()


it('can get authors avatar, name, publisher and date of birth', function () {
$authors = $this->author;
$author = $authors->first();

->assertTableColumnStateSet('avatar', $author->avatar, record: $author)
->assertTableColumnStateSet('name', $author->name, record: $author)
->assertTableColumnStateSet('publisher.name', $author->publisher->name, record: $author)
->assertTableColumnStateSet('date_of_birth', $author->date_of_birth, record: $author);
beforeEach(function () {

$this->author = Author::factory()


it('can get authors avatar, name, publisher and date of birth', function () {
$authors = $this->author;
$author = $authors->first();

->assertTableColumnStateSet('avatar', $author->avatar, record: $author)
->assertTableColumnStateSet('name', $author->name, record: $author)
->assertTableColumnStateSet('publisher.name', $author->publisher->name, record: $author)
->assertTableColumnStateSet('date_of_birth', $author->date_of_birth, record: $author);
but I am getting this error
FAILED Tests\Feature\Admin\AuthorResourceTest > `Author List Page` → it can get authors avatar, name, publisher and date of birth
Failed asserting that a table column with name [avatar] has value of [] for record [1] on the [App\Filament\Admin\Resources\AuthorResource\Pages\ListAuthors] component.
Failed asserting that false is true.

at vendor/filament/tables/src/Testing/TestsColumns.php:193
189▕ if (is_array($value)) {
190▕ $value = json_encode($value);
191▕ }
➜ 193▕ Assert::assertTrue(
194▕ $state == $value,
195▕ message: "Failed asserting that a table column with name [{$name}] has value of [{$value}] for record [{$record->getKey()}] on the [{$livewireClass}] component.",
196▕ );
FAILED Tests\Feature\Admin\AuthorResourceTest > `Author List Page` → it can get authors avatar, name, publisher and date of birth
Failed asserting that a table column with name [avatar] has value of [] for record [1] on the [App\Filament\Admin\Resources\AuthorResource\Pages\ListAuthors] component.
Failed asserting that false is true.

at vendor/filament/tables/src/Testing/TestsColumns.php:193
189▕ if (is_array($value)) {
190▕ $value = json_encode($value);
191▕ }
➜ 193▕ Assert::assertTrue(
194▕ $state == $value,
195▕ message: "Failed asserting that a table column with name [{$name}] has value of [{$value}] for record [{$record->getKey()}] on the [{$livewireClass}] component.",
196▕ );
haven't faced this problem before.
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