RAILWAY_DEPLOYMENT_ID isn't available?
It doesn't seem like the RAILWAY_DEPLOYMENT_ID variable is working and according to https://docs.railway.app/reference/variables#railway-provided-variables it should be available. I noticed that it's not a part of the auto completion for railway variables either. Is there no way to get a unique build number of some sorts (or even commit sha) as an environment variable?
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that variable would only be available at runtime since it would change every deployment, it's not available to reference
8 Replies
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that variable would only be available at runtime since it would change every deployment, it's not available to reference
I have a question related to this. Is there any way to enforce a "service dependency", such that when a service redeploys, it triggers a redeployment of another service?
theres nothing native to do that, but i am struggling to see how your question related to the original question
Hah, good question. I have a scenario where I'd like two services to be "coupled" when redeploying, and ideally, for one service to have access to the other service's
env var value. It doesn't have to be that variable though, just needs to be the same for both services when they redeploy.
I suspect this is possible via scripting with the public API, but am looking for a native approach.
I'm looking for something like a "service group", where one redeployment trigger will redeploy multiple services.thats not possible with railway natively
but a variable that would be the same across all deployments and services in a given environment would be
Got it. Don't think that will work for our use case, but really appreciate the quick response.
nope a variable has nothing to do with a service depending on one another