My Resorce has Form I want to call it or inheritance this form in another palce

My Resorce has Form I want to call it or inheritance this form in another palce How do it $formSchema = TaskResource::form(); > dd( $formSchema);
5 Replies
Alnuaimi2mo ago
I want to call form in another Resorsce
LeandroFerreira2mo ago
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return AnotherResource::form($form);
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return AnotherResource::form($form);
Alnuaimi2mo ago
Thanks ,but alsoe I want use it in Widgets like getFormSchema
Desmond Njuguna
Desmond Njuguna2mo ago
you can define a getForm static method in the corresponding model then call the form in any resource you want Eg if you have a tag model and the resources, in the Tag model define a new methid like so public static function getForm(): array { return [ TextInput::make('name') ->required() ->maxLength(255), ColorPicker::make('color') ->required(), ]; } Then in the tagresource form method do this public static function form(Form $form): Form { return $form ->schema(Task::getForm()); } I suppose you have a userresource and you might want to create a new tag without necessarily goung back to the tag resource, so in the tag form component of the userresource form method you can chain the method createOptionForm(App\Models\Tag::getForm()) and have it complete as so Select::make('tags') ->relationship('tags', 'name',) ->multiple() ->searchable() ->preload() ->createOptionForm(Tag::getForm()) Hope this is what youre looking for
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