multiple panels on single dashboard as tabs?

Wondering how/if we can have multiple panels visible on a common dashboard for easy navigation! Instead of having,, etc, we have which has individual (horizontal tabs) for admin, booking & billing. Ability to control the tab visibility (& access which anyways is handled in the panel) with roles/permissions would be important. Managing it using the usual permission package or think of something like feature flags (thinking more from a SAAS angle where one customer gets booking, other gets billing etc) perhaps? Any alternative ideas or suggestions? Thanks.
7 Replies
Povilas K
Povilas K10mo ago
I don't think it's possible, as each panel in Filament requires its own settings, URL, etc. Unless you're talking about non-Filament outside app which would show those links as tabs with checking permissions, and then inside you would have those three tabs. Or a separate ovrerarching Filament installation on some subdomain that would lead to those three separate links on another subdomain
Desmond Njuguna
Desmond Njuguna10mo ago
Hi Povilas, Panel switching is actually possible. There's a plugin for that,, and you can also restrict who can and cannot use the panel swith, aither with roles or permissions
Povilas K
Povilas K10mo ago
@Desmond Njuguna mmm, that's news to me. Adding that plugin for a review on YouTube, thanks 🙂
Desmond Njuguna
Desmond Njuguna10mo ago
Anytime sensei Here is a demo for the same, I have restricted to only admins to switch panels
code jam
code jamOP10mo ago
@PovilasKorop @Desmond Njuguna thanks for the inputs. The plugin for panel switching looks interesting. But a shell over filament panels to show them as tabs explicitly will be very helpful ux wise IMO. Let me explore a bit more on this topic and then revert.
awcodes10mo ago
Just have a look at what the plugin is doing under the hood. You should be able to do the same thing and output them as a 'menu' instead of a select with a renderhook.
code jam
code jamOP10mo ago
Thanks. Yes that is the direction I would be looking at. At least understand how that plugin is working. I hope I can come up with something like a superpanel :squint:

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