popularity battle

How to calculate Battle Point we got. is there a conversion rate, for example 1k popularity Equal to 5 Battle Point and in this picture we need like 15 Battle Point to get into PK1 from PK0,
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0-2(6) ✅ 2.01-4(10) ✅ 4.01-8(14) ✅ 8.01-15(16) ✅ 15.01-50(20) ✅ ...
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ŠG2mo ago
0-2(6) ✅ 2.01-4(10) ✅ 4.01-8(14) ✅ 8.01-15(16) ✅ 15.01-50(20) ✅ 50.01-120(24) ✅ 120.01-260(28) ✅ 260.01-500(32) ✅ 500.01-900(36) ✅