How can I dd() content of the relationship
I have fairly simple ProductResource
and I have this in CreateProduct added so I can see what is being passed from form
But the problem is that I can only see values of text inputs from first schema, but not second. It all saves to DB but I am curious how to see values from the second ->schema()
2 Replies
after relationship()Can you try and explain to me like I am a complete noob, how can I dd() every value from my ProductResource.
So, where to put dd() since the way I am doing it it just dumps 'name' and not description and price.
Let's say that I need to check 'price' how can I fetch only that.
I am lost here, and can't find the answer anywhere.
So after a lot of digging I need to use to be able to see and manipulate with data that are in relationship. Something like this
Why is this so complicated. What if I wanted to manipulate uploaded image that is also in relationship? That would be hell on earth then